Spain, one of the largest mobile markets in Europe, has recently been experiencing massive changes in retail offerings due to the extensive impact of the economic recession. With one in four people unemployed in 2013, Spanish consumers in record numbers preferred to give up their mobile phones or switch to cheaper options offered by smaller players such as Yoigo and Simyo. These players made game-changing moves such as offering unlocked smartphones, while others such as MVNOs Ono and Jazztel introduced converged offers which made the most of customers’ desire to save. Prompted by the aggressive moves of their smaller rivals as well as pressure on their own margins, Movistar, Vodafone and Orange eliminated subsidies on handsets while introducing installment plans for new smartphones and buy-back options for old phones. Orange and Movistar even offer unlocked smartphones. Prices also declined; for example, the average monthly bill for mobile services in Q3 2013 was 10 percent lower than in Q3 2012. Despite these moves, according to a study, 19 percent of Spanish mobile subscribers claimed to be dissatisfied with their mobile service.
The OCU’s move to hold an auction to source lower mobile tariffs can be understood in terms of this trend. The question is, how successful will it be? In 2013, the OCU held a similar process to procure lower electricity tariffs for retail consumers. It signed up nearly 500,000 consumers, but only got one energy company, a small player called Holaluz.com, to submit a bid. The auction finally led to savings of €49.00 (US $67.84) per year for the 28,000 consumers who chose to sign up for the winning bid. In the case of mobile services, the OCU hopes to attract 150,000 consumers (it had 48,893 signups at the time of writing). While larger players may be reluctant to participate, the auction may attract participation from the smaller MVNOs that can take advantage of the opportunity to sign up a large number of customers at relatively low cost. So while this auction may not be a game changer, it may be one more step toward an even more competitive market in Spain.
The above item appeared in a recent issue of The Tarifica Alert, a weekly resource that analyzes noteworthy developments in the telecoms industry from around the world. To access all of the latest articles and issues: http://www.tarifica.com/TarificaAlert.aspx
The above item appeared in a recent issue of The Tarifica Alert, a weekly resource that analyzes noteworthy developments in the telecoms industry from around the world. To access all of the latest articles and issues: http://www.tarifica.com/TarificaAlert.aspx
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