
Monday, February 23, 2015

U.K. Office Workers Lose 2.5 Hours per Week Seeking Good Signal

Research released by ip.access, a U.K.- based manufacturer and supplier of small cell solutions, based on a survey of 2,000 office workers at companies of varying sizes, found that the average U.K. worker loses 2.5 hours of work per week seeking good mobile reception for work-related calls while in the office. Extrapolating from that, ip.access estimates that U.K. office workers are spending 2.53 million hours per week seeking mobile reception, thus costing U.K. businesses an estimated £33 million (US $50.6 million) per week. ip.access reports that even in the telecom industry, 50 percent of professionals feel that the mobile signal in their office is inadequate.

This study joins a growing number of recent studies pointing to inadequate telecommunications technology in the workplace in the U.K. Many of these studies monetize the cost of the situation, citing the price that businesses are paying in wasted time as employees hunt for service. In addition, there is the cost in morale due to the frustration felt by employees who are used to a level of mobile service in their personal lives that is not matched in the workplace. Several of these studies, including the one referred to here, are being done by companies that offer their own products and solutions for improving patchy indoor coverage in the workplace, using technologies such as small cells. We feel that the MNOs must approach this issue with urgency and invest in the appropriate available technologies in order to significantly boost productivity and revenue for their business customers. 

The above item appeared in a recent issue of The Tarifica Alert, a weekly resource that analyzes noteworthy developments in the telecoms industry from around the world. To access all of the latest articles and issues or to speak with the research team:

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